Business English B1 — B2
Підвищте рівень англійської до впевненого Upper Intermediate — для співпраці з міжнародними партнерами та замовниками.
Онлайн-курс англійської для бізнес-професій
Дата старту:
30 жовтня
4,5 місяці
Рівень курсу:
від В1
Ви розширите словниковий запас бізнес-англійської та навчитеся впевнено комунікувати з клієнтами та замовниками, а також розуміти й формувати ТЗ і вимоги до проєктів англійською.
Також розберемо теми:
- work-life balance
- менеджмент, лідерство та професійний розвиток
- листування, переговори та презентації
- кроскультурна комунікація
- технології, інновації та клієнтський сервіс
Цей курс буде корисний, якщо ви:
PM, продакт, маркетолог, HR, тімлід та менеджер Підтягнете англійську до В2 та підсилите її професійним вокабуляром
Власник бізнесу та підприємець Спілкуватиметесь англійською на рівні з потенційними клієнтами та партнерами
Фрилансер Вільно працюватимете з іноземними клієнтами та презентуватимете свої послуги
Ваші результати після курсу:
Прокачаєте навички комунікації Впевнено проводите переговори, комунікуєте з клієнтами та замовниками, розумієте ТЗ й вимоги до проєктів, що написані англійською. Спілкуєтеся з колегами без перепон під час робочих зустрічей та розумієте особливості кроскультурних команд.
Опануєте професійне листування Вільно складаєте та розумієте документацію й звіти англійською. Провадите ділове листування, пишете формальні та неформальні електронні листи.
Покращите пітчинг та селф-презентацію Створюєте й презентуєте бізнес-пропозиції та описуєте схеми англійською мовою. Дипломатично спілкуєтеся, переконуєте та розв'язуєте конфлікти англійською.
Особливості курсу
Для топових результатів потрібен бекграунд
А саме — знання англійської на рівні B1 та досвід роботи у бізнес-сфері. Це потрібно для розуміння тематики занять та обміну досвідом з учасниками.
Комплексне підсилення
Покращите vocabulary, speaking, grammar, listening та reading — завдяки інтерактивам, вузькопрофільним статтям та відео, розборам Case Studies та обговоренням трендів бізнесу.
Повне занурення в community
Ми формуємо невеликі групи до 10 студентів — як у бізнес-команді. Це допомагає швидше адаптуватися до роботи в англомовному середовищі та здолати мовний бар’єр.
- понад 10 років досвіду викладання англійської
- має міжнародні сертифікати TESOL/TEFL
- 6+ років викладає бізнес-англійську в ІТ-компаніях
- працювала перекладачкою у британській агенції новин Reuters
- у викладанні використовує індивідуальний підхід, комунікативний метод та інтерактивні технології
Module 1. Work-life balance
- Lesson 1. Understanding work-life balance
- Vocabulary. Daily routines, weekly schedules, stress management.
- Grammar. Present Simple & Present Continuous.
- Speaking. Sharing students’ daily workload and strategies to manage stress.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 2. Optimising the work environment
- Vocabulary. Personal workspace setups & productivity tools.
- Grammar. Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Speaking & writing. Describing and suggesting improvements to workspaces (problem-solving).
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
Module 2. Setting up a business
- Lesson 3. From startup to operational success
- Vocabulary. Setting up a business, expressing intention and making predictions about the future.
- Grammar. Future tenses.
- Speaking. Role-playing activities to share the strategies for business development and making predictions for the future.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 4. Business investments: strategies for growth
- Vocabulary. Financing a start-up business
- Functional language. Strategies for growing a business.
- Grammar. First conditional. Time clauses.
- Speaking & writing. Discussing investment opportunities and potential outcomes and consequences using the first conditional
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
Module 3: Management
- Lesson 5. Project management
- Vocabulary. Project management and methodologies
- Functional language. Discussing project plans and setting deadlines
- Grammar. Gerund/Infinitive.
- Speaking. Role-playing scenarios to plan and manage a project.
- Homework: write a summary of a meeting OR write an essay describing PM methodologies.
- Lesson 6. Running an update meeting
- Vocabulary. Collocations with the word “meeting”.
- Functional language. Discussing updates.
- Grammar. Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous.
- Speaking. Role-playing scenarios to discuss updates, make suggestions, and express opinions.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 7. Time Management
- Vocabulary. Deadlines and timelines, prioritisation.
- Functional language. Discussing time management techniques, scheduling meetings and sharing personal experiences.
- Grammar. Expressions to describe schedules
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to arrange a meeting, to plan and prioritise tasks.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 8. Team Management
- Vocabulary. Fixed phrases and collocations related to team management.
- Functional language. Discussing team dynamics, team management strategies and leadership styles.
- Grammar. Modal verbs of necessity and obligation (must, need to, have to).
- Speaking. Group Discussion: Team Responsibilities.
- Scenario-Based Discussion. Handling Team Conflicts.
- Homework: watch a video about team management and answer the questions or write a summary.
- Lesson 9. Conducting Effective Meetings. Communicating Team Objectives
- Vocabulary. Functional language of meetings.
- Functional language. Discussing effective meeting strategies and technical issues during online meetings.
- Grammar. Infinitive/Gerund.
- Speaking. Role-Playing scenario: Conducting a meeting.
- Scenario-Based Discussion. Handling tech issues during meetings.
- Lesson 10. Revision
Module 4: Business Correspondence
- Lesson 11. Formal and Informal Emails
- Vocabulary. Features of a formal style. Email etiquette.
- Grammar. Modals for making requests.
- Speaking & writing. Correcting mistakes, rewriting informal letters into formal ones.
- Homework: write a formal email to a client OR compose an informal email to a colleague OR draft a follow-up email.
- Lesson 12. Persuasive Writing
- Vocabulary. Making strong appeals. Techniques for persuasive writing (assertiveness).
- Grammar. Inversion after negative adverbials.
- Speaking. Debate.
- Homework: write a persuasive email to an investor OR compose a persuasive letter to a supplier OR draft a persuasive report on a new idea.
- Lesson 13. Writing Reports and Proposals
- Vocabulary. The structure and components of business reports and proposals.
- Grammar. Passive Voice, linking words
- Speaking & writing. Improving a proposal by using passive voice and proper structure.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
Module 5: Presenting ideas
- Lesson 14. Preparing Effective Pitches
- Vocabulary. The key elements of a successful business pitch. Business presentation terminology.
- Speaking & writing. Creating an effective business pitch
- Homework: write a business pitch for a new product or service.
- Lesson 15. Delivering Effective Presentations
- Functional language. Presentations. Dealing with follow-up questions.
- Discussion. Techniques for engaging and persuading an audience.
- Grammar. Past Simple and Past Continuous. Modal verbs of possibility.
- Speaking. Practice delivering presentations.
- Homework: to record a video presentation using the Functional language of presentation.
- Lesson 16. Designing Effective Visuals
- Vocabulary. Describing trends. Types of visuals.
- Grammar. Clauses of purpose and reason, noun and verb constructions to describe trends.
- Speaking & writing. Practice describing graphs in pairs.
- Homework: write a detailed description of three different graphs.
Module 6: Products and quality
- Lesson 17. Quality and standards
- Vocabulary. Quality and quality standards.
- Grammar. Causative form.
- Speaking & writing. Presenting a product describing its features.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 18. Product specifications
- Vocabulary. Product description. Specifications and product features.
- Compound adjectives and measurements.
- Grammar. Relative clauses.
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to write and review different types of reports.
- Homework: to write a product description.
- Lesson 19. Revision
Module 7: Negotiations
- Lesson 20. Business English Idioms
- Vocabulary. Idiomatic expressions, collocations and fixed phrases in the business world.
- Grammar. Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.
- Speaking & writing. Group discussions and role-playing scenarios to practice the use of idioms.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 21. Diplomatic Communication
- Vocabulary. Diplomatic language.
- Functional language. Softening disagreement.
- Grammar. Second Conditional.
- Speaking & writing. Case-study: improving communication inside a small team.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 22. Persuasion Techniques
- Vocabulary. Negotiation and persuasion. Different techniques for persuasion in business.
- Grammar. Third Conditional.
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to practice persuasion in negotiations.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 23. Conflict Resolution
- Vocabulary. Mediating disputes.
- Functional language. Conflict resolution.
- Grammar. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.
- Speaking. Role-playing scenarios to resolve business conflicts.
- Case-study. Strategies for conflict resolution.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 24. Negotiating Contracts
- Vocabulary. Terms related to unethical behaviour.
- Functional language. Discussing contract terms.
- Grammar. Reported questions.
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to negotiate business contracts.
- Homework: compose an email negotiating contract terms with a partner.
Module 8: Customer Support and Service
- Lesson 25. Effective Customer Communication
- Functional language. Effective communication techniques for customer service.
- Vocabulary. Phrasal verbs for making a phone call.
- Grammar. Indirect questions
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to practise customer interactions.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 26. Conflict Resolution in Customer Service
- Functional language. Resolving customer complaints and finding compromises.
- Grammar. Reported statements
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to resolve customer service conflicts.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 27. Enhancing Customer Experience
- Vocabulary. Business metrics and providing service. Сustomer satisfaction strategies.
- Speaking & writing. Scenario-based discussions to improve customer service and experience
- Homework: write a proposal for a customer satisfaction improvement initiative OR draft a customer satisfaction survey.
- Lesson 28. Revision
Module 9. Performance and retention
- Lesson 29. Employee Retention and Motivation
- Vocabulary. Retention and positive employee experience. Financial and non-financial motivation.
- Speaking & writing. Problem-solving case: suggesting non-financial rewards for best-performing employees.
- Homework: Case-study: building strategies to motivate employees
OR Watch a video about employee motivation and answer the questions
OR Write an essay to compare and contrast several motivational initiatives
- Lesson 30. Performance review
- Vocabulary. Performance review and its types. Assessment.
- Grammar. Modals+have+past participle
- Speaking. Situations to practice the use of modals to evaluate what could, should and might have been done in a different way.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 31. 1-on-1 meetings
- Functional language. Conducting appraisal meetings and providing constructive feedback.
- Speaking. Giving and receiving feedback, setting goals, providing constructive criticism.
- Homework: extensive reading: articles about a performance review and 1-on-1 meetings.
Module 10: Leadership and Professional Development
- Lesson 32. Self-Analysis and Reflection
- Vocabulary. Career, employment and professional development. Discussing and analysing your strengths and weaknesses.
- Grammar. Gerund/Infinitive.
- Speaking & writing. Role-playing scenarios to set and discuss professional goals.
- Homework: write a self-assessment of your strengths and weaknesses OR compose an email to a mentor discussing your professional goals OR draft a professional development plan.
- Lesson 33. Leadership Skills
- Vocabulary. Key competencies, qualities, and skills of effective leaders. Leadership styles.
- Grammar. Personal/Impersonal construction
- Speaking & writing. Problem-solving scenarios and cases
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 34. Change management
- Vocabulary. Managing changes, attitudes to changes, collocations.
- Grammar. Expressing probability in the future
- Speaking. Debates, providing arguments
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
Module 11: Cross-Cultural Communication
- Lesson 35: Understanding Cultural Differences
- Vocabulary. The Lewis model. Cultural types and behavioural differences.
- Ways of giving feedback in different cultures.
- Speaking & writing. Group discussion: comparing 2 cultures and addressing potential issues
- Homework: Write a report on cultural differences you have experienced.
OR Draft a guide on cultural etiquette for business travelers.
OR Create a list of tips for effective cross-cultural communication.
- Lesson 36. Managing International Teams
- Vocabulary. Leadership and communication styles. Phrasal verbs related to communication. American vs British expressions.
- Speaking & writing. Scenario-based discussions and problem-solving cases.
- Language focus. Communicating across cultures, overcoming language barriers.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
Module 12: Technology and Innovation
- Lesson 37. The Role of Technology in Business. Implementing Innovations
- Vocabulary. Technology and innovation. The impact of technology on business.
- Speaking. Pitching a new technology or innovation that would benefit a specific industry
- Homework: Write a report on the latest technological trends in your industry.
- OR Compose an email suggesting a technological upgrade for your company.
- Lesson 38. Adapting to Technological Changes
- Discussion. Advantages and disadvantages of AI.
- Vocabulary. Adaptation to technological changes.
- Speaking & writing. Case-study: implementing innovation.
- Homework: Vocabulary and Grammar exercises.
- Lesson 39. Revision
- Lesson 40. Final lesson
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