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Cookie Policy

Aaron Crown Inc (otherwise referred as “LABA”, “we”, “us” or “our”) uses cookies and other identification technologies on our website (the “Website”). This policy applies to any websites, apps, branded pages on third-party platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), and applications accessed or used through such websites or third-party platforms.

In order to distinguish you from other users of LABA, we may, through our services, automatically collect information such as your browser, hardware settings, operating system browser plug-in types and versions, internet service provider, mobile network information, your mobile operating system, clicked pages, IP addresses, system configuration, crashes, date and time stamp, location data, the link that led you to the use of our and any other information that your browser may send to us.

We collect the above information in order to enhance and customize your user experience, and to better understand how our services are being used. We also use cookies for advertising purposes.

Below, we have prepared an information manual about the definition of cookies, the type of cookies we use, your rights to execute and opt-out of the use of cookies, as well as our contact information in case you have any additional questions relating to LABA’s use of Cookies.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is small data file comprised of letters and/or numbers that once you access LABA’s website or its ancillary services, is stored on your browser or your computer’s hard drive. Once added, a cookie allows the web applications to respond you as an individual, and tailor their operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

There are different types of cookies:

  • First party cookie – the default option, served by the domain name that appears in the browser address bar.
  • Third-party cookie – served by a third party for the purpose of collecting information required to carry out various researchers (such as data analytics, marketing and the like).
  • Session cookies – mainly used by online businesses, that allow you to keep items in your basket when shopping online. These Cookies are deleted automatically once you close your browser.
  • Permanent cookies – these are Cookies that survive after you close your browser and until they expire (or after you deletes them).

LABA uses cookies, and also web beacons (also known as clear gifs, pixel tags or web bugs), which are tiny graphics with a unique identifier that are placed in the code of a web page.

In this cookie policy, cookies and web beacons shall be referred to as “Cookies”, and shall refer to all applicable technologies which store and access your information, including but not limited to your desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet and the like.

Our Different Types of Cookies

LABA uses the following Cookies:

Type of Cookie Use What does it do
Strictly necessary Cookies These Cookies are required for the operation of the Website and other services. Enable you to log into secure areas of the Website, such as your user account.

These Cookies do not identify you as an individual.
  • The above Cookies in most cases expire after your session in the website ends.
  • You may also delete the above Cookies via your browser settings (but note that you may not be able to use some of LABA’s offered services).
Type of Cookie Use What does it do
Performance / Analytical Cookies These Cookies allow LABA to recognize and count our users, and to identify how they use of our services. Help us to enhance our services, improve the performance on our Website and introduce new services to our users.

These cookies do not identify you as an individual. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.
  • The above Cookies in most cases remain on your computer until you delete them.
  • You may also disable the collection of the above Cookies via your browser settings.
Type of Cookie Use What does it do
Functionality Cookies These Cookies allow LABA to recognize the choices that you made before and your preferences (such us your name, e-mail, password and customer profile). Help us to personalize your content.

The information these Cookies collect may include personal data that you have disclosed.
  • The above Cookies in most cases remain on your computer until you delete them.
  • You may also disable the collection of the above Cookies via your browser settings.
Type of Cookie Use What does it do
Targeting and Advertising Cookies These Cookies are used to deliver targeted advertising or limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Makes LABA’s Website and the advertising displayed in it more relevant to your interests.

LABA may (1) share the above information with third parties for this purpose, and (2) pool this information with anonymized information provided to LABA by third parties.

The information these Cookies collect may include personal data that you have disclosed.
  • The above Cookies in most cases remain on your computer until you delete them.
  • You may also delete the above Cookies via your browser settings.
  • Note: we do not decide which Cookies are used by the third-parties advertisers, and therefore please refer to the relevant advertiser’s privacy policy for further information about which cookies are used by such advertiser.
Type of Cookie Use What does it do
Web Beacons Monitoring traffic patterns of LABA’s users, and to understand if you reached our services via a 3rd party website or from an online advertising. Improves the performance of our website and our services.
  • Web Beacons can’t be declined, however by setting your browser to declining Cookies - the web beacons stop tracking your activity.

Your Rights

You have the right to choose to accept or not accept Cookies.

You also have the right to choose which Cookies will remain on your computer, and you may also delete Cookies.

Note that Cookies are an important part of LABA’s services, and therefore if you refuse to accept Cookies or remove certain Cookies, the functionality and availability of LABA’s services may be affected.


Most web browsers are automatically set to accept Cookies. However, if you prefer so, you can set your browser to reject, remove or edit your Cookie preferences. You can do so by following the instructions set out in the browser’s “tools”, “edit”, “help” or any other similar tab.

Third parties may also allow you to refuse their Cookies. You should look for the applicable “opt-out link” on the third party’s website and proceed as instructed.

Contact Us

LABA is the data controller of the personal information that you transmit to our Website and/or any other services in the course of the operations of the website.

If you have any doubts about LABA’s Cookie Policy and LABA’s use of Cookies, you may contact us at

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

LABA is devoted to obtaining an equitable resolution regarding any concern and/or complain regarding your privacy. If you believe that your concern and/or complain has not been satisfied by us under this Cookie policy or following a correspondence with LABA’s designated personnel, you shall, in all cases, have the right to report or file a compliant to the applicable data protection authority in your company of residence (using such authority’s website).

This Cookie Policy shall be deemed effective as of August 10, 2020.